Citizenship Ministry to investigate claims of Cubans bribing immigration officers to gain entry into Guyana

Guyana Cuba Solidarity Movement (GCSM) President Haleem Khan is seeking answers from the Government as to why a number of Cubans are being denied entry into the country on arrival at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).

Khan, in a letter to the editor, alleges that Cubans visiting Guyana are forced to pay bribes to immigration authorities at the CJIA before being allowed entry into the country.

According to Khan, on arrival, Cuban nationals are forced to pay between US$100 and US$250 or even more before permission is granted for them to be cleared through immigration.

He related that Cuban national Jessica Marrero travelled to Guyana via Copa Airlines CM0254 on January 6, 2015, on a courtesy visit. He ensured the necessary arrangements were made for her to be picked up on arrival by a Cuban associate.

“I was informed by the Cuban associate US$200 had to be paid before Marrero’s entry approval could be granted. Enquires were made from a senior immigration officer who stated payment is not required. I then contacted the immigration officer in charge (name withheld) stating I am responsible for Marrero’s visit. He asked me to wait for a while, without any explanation. Subsequent calls to him in relation to this matter were unsuccessful,” Khan stated. During a visit to the officer in charge, he was informed Marrero had already departed to Trinidad.

When contacted for a comment on the issue, Minister of Citizenship Winston Felix told this publication on Wednesday that “he isn’t aware” of these allegations being made, noting that an investigation would be conducted into the matter.

Felix explained that Cubans did not require a visa to visit Guyana; however, upon entry a return ticket must be produced and the nature of their visit must also be stated to immigration authorities.

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